(A) In the eastern portion of Perdido Key, from the easternmost extension of the paved road to the east end of the island, excluding the Perdido Key Historic District near the former site of Fort McRee. (ii) Oversand routes may be designated by the Superintendent in the following locations: Operation of vehicles on these routes will be subject to all provisions of parts 2 and 4 of this chapter, as well as the specific provisions of this paragraph (b). (i) The operation of motor vehicles, other than on established roads and parking areas, is limited to oversand routes designated by the Superintendent in accordance with § 4.10(b) of this chapter. (b) Off-road operation of motor vehicles. Permission shall be based on needs for emergency service, resource protection, or resource management. (4) Aircraft are prohibited from landing on or taking off from any land surfaces any estuary, lagoon, pond or tidal flat or any waters temporarily covering a beach except when such operations may be authorized by prior permission of the Superintendent. (3) Aircraft operating in the vicinity of any developed facilities, boat docks, floats, piers, ramps or bathing beaches will remain 500 feet from such facilities and must be operated with due care and regard for persons and property and in accordance with any posted signs or uniform waterway markers. (2) Aircraft may be moored to island beaches, but beaches may not be used as runways or taxi strips. (1) Aircraft may be operated on the waters within the boundaries of the Seashore surrounding Ship, Horn and Petit Bois Islands, but approaches, landings and take-offs shall not be made within 500 feet of beaches. (a) Operation of seaplanes and amphibious aircraft.